INMED Participant Responsibility Agreement
Please carefully read the following and signal your acceptance of these terms by checking the box below.
Personal Responsibility
I understand that I am ultimately responsible for all personal financial obligations associated with Institute for International Medicine (INMED) training, for transportation arrangements, and for securing of academic credit with my educational institution. INMED's role is only advisory and faciliatory.
INMED Liability Release
I, on behalf of me and all members of my family, in consideration of the benefits to be derived, agree to be responsible for my own actions and hereby voluntarily release INMED, its employees, agents, subsidiaries, its board of Directors and officers, individually and corporately, for any and all causes of action arising in the past or the future, including any claim for injury, damage, or loss which may be sustained during the course of my involvement with INMED and including any claim arising in whole or in part from the negligence of INMED or from any other cause.
INMED Training Site Liability Release
I, on behalf of me and all members of my family, in consideration of the benefits to be derived, agree to be responsible for my own actions and hereby voluntarily release Clinica Esperanza and any other healthcare institution with which I may be involved during my time on Roatan, their employees, agents, subsidiaries, board of directors and officers, individually and corporately, for any and all causes of action arising in the past or the future, including any claim for injury, damage, or loss which may be sustained during the course of my involvement with Clinica Esperanza and including any claim arising in whole or in part from the negligence of Clinica Esperanza or from any other cause.
Awareness of Inherent Risks
I understand that there exist hazards, risks, and uncertainties associated with international travel and training, including but not limited to those posed by political instability, acts of violence, physical and psychological illness, extremes of weather, terrorist acts, and unavailability of modern medical care. I understand that these hazards may include theft, motor vehicle trauma, kidnapping, IEDs (improvised explosive devices), serious physical harm, HIV exposure, land mines, and snake bite.
Financial Responsibility
I agree to be responsible for all financial obligations associated with my activities related to INMED, including but not necessarily limited to all costs of transportation, passport and visa, housing, meals, study materials, and personal medical care.
Personal Health Care
I will consult with my personal physician regarding issues related to international travel, including recommended vaccinations and prophylaxis.
Code of Conduct
I agree to abide by the INMED Code of Conduct throughout all my involvement with INMED, including the entire time I may be present within a host country: I will abide by the policies of my host institutions and respect all local customs and laws. I will not consume any alcoholic beverage, tobacco produce, or illicit drug. I will not engage in any sexually explicit or provocative behavior. I will maintain professional confidentiality of all patient-related information. I agree not to post anything deemed negative, harmful, inappropriate or untrue by INMED and/or Clinica Esperanza and any other healthcare institution with which I may be involved during my time on Roatan on the Internet. If INMED or an INMED training site deems material posted on the internet as negative, harmful, inappropriate, or untrue, I agree to completely remove the content immediately. I agree to obtain consent from patients at Clinica Esperanza and any other healthcare institution with which I may be involved during my time on Roatan prior to taking pictures or publishing any personal or medical information about them.
Use of Personal Information & Internet
I hereby authorize the release of my name, school, and other pertinent information as appropriate to medical schools, the press, and other entities that have interest in INMED. I also release any pictures and content related to my involvement with INMED that I publish on the INMED blog, on the Internet, or give to the INMED staff. I submit these pictures and content to INMED to be used by INMED in any way they choose, including but not limited to advertisements, solicitation, and publication.