INMED Academic


Professional Qualification Course in Essentials for General Practitioners

Protecting health in a low resource and/or cross-cultural setting presents special challenges, and requires particular skills. This course enhances expertise in diseases of poverty, common medical emergencies, wound care, chronic disease management, disaster management, and maternal-newborn health.   At the completion of the INMED Professional Qualification Course in Essentials for General Practitioners in Impoverish Settings,

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Professional Qualification Course in Obstetrics Ultrasound

Obstetrics care requires critical information about the mother and baby. Ultrasound is an essential technology to supply such vital information. This course develops skills in early pregnancy ultrasound (confirmation, location) and third trimester ultrasound (parity, pulse, pocket, placenta, presentation, postpartum evaluation). This course requires that participants already have attained basic obstetrics skills and experience.  

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Professional Qualification Course in International Faculty Physician Development

Faculty physicians require special skills in teaching, guiding, and evaluating their students and learners. International physicians require special understanding of differing health systems, unusual diseases, and foreign cultures and languages. International faculty physicians must be prepared to overcome all these challenges together. This course will introduce and equip Chinese physicians for esteemed careers as international

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Professional Qualification Course in Hands-On Skills for Low-Resource Healthcare

Provision of medical care in low-resource settings is extremely challenging. This is especially true for healthcare professionals accustomed to an abundance of consultants, diagnostics, imaging, medications, and interventions. This course will provide learners a review of mostly commonly needed essential clinical skills. Included are hands-on skills sessions covering wound care and suturing, extremity trauma and

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Professional Qualification Course in Essential Care for Every Baby and Small Babies (Essential Newborn Care 2)

Every baby requires warmth, hygiene, umbilical cord care, eye care, early and exclusive breastfeeding, and proven-effective medications and immunizations. But many babies around the world go without. The INMED Professional Qualification Course in Essential Care for Every Baby and Small Babies Helping Babies (Essential Newborn Care 2 Master Trainer Course) is an evidence-based educational program to prepare

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Diploma Service-Learning

Overview INMED cooperates with health facilities around the world to provide INMED learners with exceptional, supervised service and learning experiences. Within this context, INMED learners enjoy the opportunity to develop judgment and expertise as they apply principles into actual practice. Selection of INMED Service-Learning Sites is made with attention to safety, accessibility, instructor credentials, ease of communications,

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International Healthcare Ethics Course

Healthcare as a profession has inherent underlying and often inadequately examined ethical assumptions and principles from which ethical decisions are made.  In the US, nearly all health-care professionals are taught at least the four basic principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice.  In the diverse international context and among some populations within the US, these

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