INMED Academic

Epidemiology Studies Short Self-Paced Course, 2nd Edition

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Trustworthy epidemiology relies upon reputable scientific studies. Choosing the appropriate study design is a crucial step in an epidemiological investigation. Each study design has strengths and weaknesses, and epidemiologists must consider all sources of bias and confounding, and strive  to reduce them. Throughout such research ethical issues must be carefully considered, as in other scientific disciplines.


Proceed through the content in chronological order, and click the “Complete” button at the end of each section. Note: To view the full width of each page without scrolling left to right, please collapse the left-side menu using the arrow in the top left of the page. This learning experience requires about five hours to complete, and is accredited for five hours of CME.


Important: For the best learning experience, view this course using a landscape, horizontal screen.

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