Global health systems are under tremendous pressure worldwide. Pandemics, the brain drain of health professionals from resource-limited countries, and unprecedented financial constraints are just a few issues that drive the need for constant change. Leadership by professionals with skills in administration, communication, clinical care and public health are vital to a healthy future. This course will provide several frameworks for understanding and approaching change. It will introduce tools to use in implementing sustainable and evidence-based organizational change in resource-rich and resource-limited situations. Focused study will include reading, discussion, application exercises and professional reflective writing.
This is a comprehensive course made up of 8 weeks of structured learning. It is built around the required textbooks Switch: How to change things when change is hard, by Chip Heath & Dan Heath (Broadway Book, New York., 2010), and Doing Global Health Work: Approaches that Really Make a Difference, by Kirk Scirto (Hesperian Health Guides, Oakland, CA. 2022), available through
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