Progress in health requires skilled personnel who can apply the appropriate knowledge and resources on behalf of people in need. But intentional transfer of such skill from one healthcare professional to another is frequently inadequate and inefficient. The purpose of this International Health Profession Education course is to equip healthcare educators with concepts and methods of effective learning and teaching that will improve their ability to equip national healthcare professionals to carry forward progress in health.
This is a comprehensive course made up of 8 weeks of structured learning. It is built around the required textbook Ambrose, SA., et al How Learning Works; 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching (Note: 2nd Edition is not yet available for purchase). Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA. 2010, AND Kern, DE., Curriculum Development for Medical Education, A Six-Step Approach. 3rd Edition. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore MD, 2016. These books are available on
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