INMED Academic

Measuring Health and Disease Short Self-Paced Course, 2nd Edition

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Objective measurements of health and disease are fundamental to the practice of epidemiology. To this end, a variety of measures of morbidity and disability are used to characterize the overall health of populations. But population health status is not fully measured in many parts of the world, and significant gaps remain even in high resource nations. This lack of information poses a major challenge for epidemiologists, and subsequently for both policymakers and healthcare practitioners who rely upon such information.


Proceed through the content in chronological order, and click the “Complete” button at the end of each section. Note: To view the full width of each page without scrolling left to right, please collapse the left-side menu using the arrow in the top left of the page. This learning experience requires about five hours to complete, and is accredited for five hours of CME.


Important: For the best learning experience, view this course using a landscape, horizontal screen.

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