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May 3, 2024 at 11:12 am in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 7 Article Discussion Forum #62605Ally DatarioParticipant
Question #1: Based on this article and your own personal and professional healthcare experiences, please identify, summarize and address challenges to the delivery of healthcare, education, and training, and implementation of change in developing countries.
Delivery of healthcare, while on rotation in Kenya, often times many patients travel great distance just to have access to medical care. There was a patient that we saw that travel 8 hours just to be able to see a doctor just to be required to return the next day to ensure the patient will have the proper care. Delivery of healthcare close to where patients need them will need investment in increasing the amount of providers and facilities in the region.
Education and training: while in Kenya there were many providers who studied and trained in the UK, US and Canada that provide much needed training and education for the local workforce. There were many sessions where trainers/educators discuss medical principles and evidence based practice and reinforce teachings while providing on the job trainings and supporting the local workforce. Many times there are constraints on supplies and devices that are just not available in the region so both educators and trainees create creative solutions and substitutions with whatever existing supplies that are available.May 3, 2024 at 10:54 am in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 7 Book Discussion Forum #62604Ally DatarioParticipantQuestion #1: What is meant by the “hidden curriculum” and how does this impact the learning environment?
Hidden curriculum is the unspoken rules that exist in a space or group of people that guides how we should act and function within that space and in a particular group.
Hidden curriculum can sometimes hinder other from being “part of the team” and hinder learning just because the newcomers and those that are of different background just don’t know how to they should act or become unsure of themselves as they try to navigate the new environment or how to interact with a different group of people. This is very similar to my time doing away rotations where I found myself in different environment and with different group of people all the time, often times being the only person in the environment who looks different and speaks differently than the rest of the group members. There are many unspoken rules in the OR and most of the time you don’t know them until you’ve done something wrong.Question #2: Describe the most effective strategies for faculty development in your context.
I think the most effective strategies for faculty development is practice and implementation. More often than not especially for use new teachers we don’t know what we don’t know until we have some experiences and have made some mistakes we can learn from. As future teachers we need to continually expose ourself to new environment or new teacher roles so we can gain more experience and facilitate our own self reflection and improvements.April 28, 2024 at 10:11 am in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 6 Book Discussion Forum #62561Ally DatarioParticipantKainey I completely agree on curious and drawn to topic. I also find myself wanting to learn more about the topic I would like to develop a curriculum on. I think to develop a concise curriculum as a teacher you need to have a good foundational knowledge of what you are teaching so this makes sense.
April 28, 2024 at 10:09 am in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 6 Book Discussion Forum #62560Ally DatarioParticipantQuestion #1: Describe one strength and one weakness of your own approach to studying for this course. How could you improve both?
Strength: it seems like as a life long learners there’s examples of some the concepts that are discussed in the book. From my experiences I can think back of examples of what makes a great teachers and not so effective teachers. I can look at this experiences and start incorporating what had worked for my as a learner as I try to develop a curriculum as a teacher.
Weakness: My biggest weakness is trying to come up with ways teach in a an engaging way. As a students I enjoyed engaging conversations to learn and apply concepts to real life. But I think this will be a bit more difficult as a teacher. I have this fear that I’d start teaching something and no one will earn any value from it because I didnt’ engage the learners in a way that they can think conceptually and unable to apply to real world.Question #2: Describe the difference between evaluation and feedback and provide one example of each from the same scenario.
Evaluation is a review the course, the materials, were the objectives met, were their ways to improve the presentation of information, additional resources that the teacher could employ in the future. It could be a formalized way to evaluate the students based on the objectives of the course
Feedback is more informal and immediate for both learners and teachers can use provide insights their learning as student and teaching as teachers.April 21, 2024 at 1:26 pm in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 5 Book Discussion Forum #62485Ally DatarioParticipantVery much agree on the hands on learning 100%. It just makes learning much more fun. I like that you incorporate with teaching your children, so precious.
April 20, 2024 at 10:15 am in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 5 Book Discussion Forum #62471Ally DatarioParticipantQuestion #1: What characterizes the most effective feedback you give and receive?
Immediate and constructive. When I am trying to learn, I’d like immediate feedback especially if I’m doing something wrong. Sometimes it’s hard to get a feedback weeks later because now I’ve lost time and chance to change it or improve. A constructive feedback goes a long way, “this is how you can improve” or something person from the teacher, like “this is how I’d approach it” that way of phrasing things that way I am aware of what I need to work and how to go about fixing the discrepancy in my knowledge and skill.Question #2: Describe your favorite learning style. What are the most effective strategies for your learning and retention?
I’m a visually inclined individual so I need to see something in order to understand it. I need to visualize it, graphs, diagrams, and drawings. If it is a skill or something motor, showing it to me is more effective than talking to be about it. And I’d like opportunity to actually try it myself, which falls in the psychomotor method of teaching. I know it sounds elementary but that’s how I learn. If it’s something cognitive or knowledge base I’m more of a constructivist learning. I need to connect it to existing knowledge, make connections and make a framework.April 15, 2024 at 12:03 pm in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 4 Article Discussion Forum #62337Ally DatarioParticipantYour point in a novice teacher paired with expert teacher, I can both the positives and negatives of this. But I think their should be emphasis on shared work and respect and communication.
April 15, 2024 at 12:01 pm in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 4 Article Discussion Forum #62336Ally DatarioParticipantQuestion #1: Describe three of the current practices, benefits, and challenges for co-teaching in nursing education.
Current practices: co-teaching is not common in undergrad. It was more common in nursing school and medical school. In healthcare, there are more co-teaching and collaborations. I know when I just started in nursing, I was paired with multiple people to train from. Everyone had their own way of practicing nursing and you learn tips and tricks from each one. You see how their personalities differ and how does this affect their practice. So as a new nurse you try to emulate there best qualities and make them your own.
Benefits: it introduces early the importance of working in a team in healthcare. Students can learn different ways of teaching and adjust their learning strategies, they are more adapted to changes. It fosters open communication between teacher and students.
Challenges: this would come about if there is lack of communication, where instructors are not in agreement about something. It can hinder learning for the students.April 15, 2024 at 11:02 am in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 4 Book Discussion Forum #62333Ally DatarioParticipantStudents will be able to effectively perform history and physical exam during a patient encounter by the end of the semester.
April 15, 2024 at 11:00 am in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 4 Book Discussion Forum #62332Ally DatarioParticipantI agree 100%, a vocab list would have been helpful especially in histology and pathology courses.
April 15, 2024 at 10:58 am in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 4 Book Discussion Forum #62331Ally DatarioParticipantI apologize for my tardiness.
Question #1: Do experts always make the best teachers? Explain your rationale.
Sometimes being an expert actually hinders learning, as the book pointed out, expert are working on unconscious competence as opposed to a novice who is working on unconscious incompetence. It will really take a conscious effort for the expert to teach at the level that the novice will understand. Complex tasks to an expert takes very little thought and very automatic and sometimes trying to explain these complex tasks they may not realize the unconscious processing and goes on within the expert and they can complete omit this component when trying to teach a novice. Just like when learning how to drive, an expert would explain the components: steering wheel, pedal, gas and give the very vague instruction of “just drive”, like it was so natural you should be able to “just drive” unfortunately this would only hinder the novice learner.Question #2: Write three learning objectives using action verbs incorporating all five elements; who/will do/how much/of what/by when? Improve one objective of one other class participant.
-Students will learn all essential components of writing objectives and goals by the end of this chapter.
-Students will learn to incorporate these components into developing their own curriculum at the end this course.
-Students will be able to revise their curriculum as they apply it to real life teaching environment at the end of the courseApril 7, 2024 at 7:08 pm in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 3 Book Discussion Forum #62224Ally DatarioParticipantKainey, you are absolutely right about passion as a huge part of motivation. Especially in medication education where it takes many years of hard work and schooling to be a doctor. It a path that has long years of delayed gratification and having a person passion towards the subject of what you are trying to accomplish comes a long way in sustaining years long of motivation.
April 7, 2024 at 7:05 pm in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 3 Book Discussion Forum #62223Ally DatarioParticipantQuestion #1: Which two strategies to build value and expectancy best serve to increase your or your students motivation to learn?
For value, goal is very important. Since changing career and switching and starting over to pursue medicine I knew early on that my end goal of being a surgeon would benefit me well to keep me motivated. Honestly there are many obstacles to pursuing being a surgeon and to be able to come out on on the other side after many years, there were certainly many things that had to line up for me to be here. I think when trying to motivate students, it is important to be aware of their goal, why are enrolled on this course? Are they trying to gain new knowledge or skills or is the course need to achieve a higher goal? To what end? and then support them in achieving that goal. And it would probably help to help students to make the connection of how this course will help them with their bigger goal in life.
Before any course starts, there is a syllabus that outlines expectation of the course, the number of assignments, reading, graded test and homework. Having a detailed syllabus is the first step to communicating course expectations to students. The expectations has to be specific to ensure the desired outcome: passing the course. They have to know that value of the course, the expectations of them, only then they can be motivated.Question #2: What are the most effective methods of assessing learners at the start of a class or course?
You can do an informal “raise your hand” survey but I think that would have an issue with students not wanting to admit they don’t know something. So a quick paper/online questionnaire. I know this is specially important in some of my undergrad math courses, just because new math builds on learned math.Another one is maybe to do a quick quiz at the beginning of the the course. If it’s small group class maybe an in-person informal discussion would be more beneficial and facilitates rapport between the two parties.April 7, 2024 at 4:10 pm in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 3 Article Discussion Forum #62219Ally DatarioParticipantQuestion #1: In Iran, a mobile app-based cultural care training program was included for nursing students engaged in community centered experiences. As this article describes issues of cultural competency and cultural humility, reflect upon your experiences. Consider how this app-based program was developed and comment on its possible application/limitations to promote greater cultural competence in your present or anticipated future work settings.
The development of the app was actually quite extensive with input form many different fields using existing research that are already out there using a readily available way (using an app model) to produce an intervention that is statistically significant. Since it was an app based model, we can expand on the idea and provide training with other disciplines with across many different topics/competencies. As for limitation, I think immediately after the course having cultural competence and humility makes sense but I think to sustain a work force over time and maintain a cultural competence group, they’re should be subsequent interventions.
As Alexis pointed out having an in-person experience makes sense. If we are trying to produce a culturally competent workforce it stands to reason that they should have actual experiences/session to discuss culturally challenging situations and have a facilitated discussion with team members from all backgrounds.
April 1, 2024 at 11:02 am in reply to: International Health Professions Education Week 2 Article Discussion Forum #62169Ally DatarioParticipantyeah certainly a lot of pressure to do well in medical school and some may look into dishonesty to mitigate failing a course. You are right about the morality of it though, if everyone you know is doing it, then maybe it is ok? because if you don’t cheat then you are at a disadvantage that others are not. I don’t know, maybe something similar to peer pressure to do as others are.