INMED Academic

Prospective Learners

Thank you for your interest in INMED! We offer special learning opportunities for healthcare professionals and healthcare profession students who wish to better serve in international, low-resource, and cross-cultural settings.

Why Study at INMED?

Compelling reasons to choose your education at INMED include:

  • Focus on forgotten people. INMED’s unique mission is to equip healthcare professionals to serve low-resource and cross-cultural people.
  • Student integrity. INMED attracts students who resonate with its mission of aiding the world’s most vulnerable people.
  • Inspiring faculty who role model service to forgotten people. INMED faculty possess high academic qualifications and significant service experience. 
  • State-of-the-Art learning. INMED’s online learning experience and in-person classes embody today’s best in education.
  • International Service-Learning. INMED’s Service-Learning sites in 25 nations provide supervised opportunity apply one’s learned skills.
  • Low tuition. INMED works diligently to control tuition and reduce barriers to quality education.
  • Flexible scheduling. INMED learning is designed for those with daytime responsibilities.

Take a few moments to browse the opportunities awaiting you by selecting your profession or level of education.

Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare Students

I Am a First or Second Year Healthcare Student
I Am a Nursing Student

INMED strongly recommends that healthcare professions students ultimately earn the INMED Graduate Diploma.

With this objective in mind, beginning students are encouraged to enroll in the program, take the INMED Graduate Certificate during the first or second year of school, and to complete the service-learning (rotation) experience during their fourth or final year.

* Dental Students May Also Add an International Public Health Service-Learning Experience During Their Pre-Clinical Years.

Undergraduate nursing students can enroll in the INMED Graduate Diploma in International Nursing and Public Health (DINPH) for non-master’s credit. With this objective in mind, beginning nursing students are encouraged to enroll in the program, take the INMED Graduate Certificate in International Nursing and Public Health for non-master’s credit during the first or second year of nursing school, and to complete the international nursing and public health service-learning experience during their final year.


Undergraduate students and those without an undergraduate degree can participate in INMED educational opportunities for non-master’s degree credit.

More Information

For more information please contact INMED at +1 816-444-6400 or [email protected].

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