Vellore Christian Medical College & Hospital is a full-service, state of the art medical care facility. Its services include surgical subspecialties, neonatology, in vitro fertilization, invasive cardiology, bone marrow and kidney transplant, CT and MRI, in addition to mainstream internal medicine, pediatrics, and obstetrics. In 2002, 40,000 inpatients were served, as were some 600,000 outpatients. VCMCH also has a network of smaller hospitals in the area that provide more basic primary and secondary care medical services. Separate facilities around Vellore also specialize in eye care, rehabilitation, leprosy and other specialty care.
The staff includes 500 physicians and 1500 nurses. VCMCH has a strong commitment to education, and 60 new medical students are enrolled each year. Graduate and Ph.D. degree programs are also offered in an active research environment. Additionally, VCMCH trains nurses, therapists, pharmacists, laboratory specialists, and other health professionals.
VCMCH enjoys an amazing history. One eventful night in the late 1800s, Ida Scudder, the young granddaughter of William Carey, was asked to help three young women struggling in difficult childbirth. Without training at that time, she could do nothing. Ida was shocked to learn the next morning that all three women had died. She accepted this as a calling set before her by God to ministry to the health needs of India people. She returned to America and became one of the first women to graduate from Cornell Medical School. Ida started VCMCH in 1900 as a one-bed dispensary, which has now grown to 2000 beds in several campuses.
Dr. Ida S. Scudder founded VCMCH with the motto, “Not to be ministered unto but to minister.” She also embraced a leadership approach that has inspired the institution for the last one hundred years. Scudder wrote, “For CMC Vellore to survive in the long run, it has to be Indian owned, Indian managed, able to meet most of its budget from local funds and be relevant for the changing needs of India”.